Student ID

You can put any integer number here to generate different exercises for practice. However you must submit the activity associated with your ID number to D2L in order to receive credit for the activity.

Extra Options

  1. Take a screenshot of these instructions (including your student number) and the file/folder structure below.
  2. On your user account on create a folder named a21extra.
  3. Read this entire item first. Create the following folder structure below with using only X mkdir commands. I would recommend trying the exercise first, then removing everything, then finally follow this process:
    1. Run the 'tree' command to show that there is nothing.
    2. Type the mkdir commands (remember there is a limit listed above)
    3. Run the 'tree' command to show that the tree is created.
    4. Take a screenshot of the commands and the output of the commands.
  4. Take a copy of this file and put it into the a21extra folder on your sit account. Extract the contents of the file. Run the tree command to show that the file has been extracted.
  5. Run the command "rm -i *" to remove the following files from your folder:
    Take a screenshot showing all of prompt messages including your answers (there will 40 of them). Run the tree command again and take the screenshot showing that file files were removed.
  6. Copy the entire tree from the disttargz folder to the folder X. Run the tree command to capture everything in the a21extra folder. Take a screenshot of the command used to copy the disttargz folder and the first 10 lines (or so) of the tree commmand output.

Submission of Work

The daily exercises in this course are based on proving that you have successfully completed the tasks. This is done by determining which command(s) are necessary and collecting a screenshot of the completed work.

For each day, you will submit a PDF file to D2L by 11:30pm. The format MUST BE PDF! Submitting work in any other format will result in a zero. The dropbox closes promptly at 11:30pm and no late submissions by email will be accepted. No special arrangements will be made for any reason. A small number of daily activities will excused at the end of the semester to handle various problems that might arise.

Questions/parts must be clearly labelled. Work submitted without labels will not receive full marks.

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